The Corner

Dahlia Lithwick

is attacking Mark Steyn, George Will, and Bruce Fein for singling out Dianne Feinstein for demanding to hear from Roberts as a husband and father. Male senators made similar demands, she says, so why go after a woman? Well, there could be a number of reasons: Maybe her quotes were the most easily mocked, or were the most succinct, or allowed the critics to make several points they wished to make. Lithwick does not entertain the possibility that any such explanations are available. She concludes that there should be more women in the Congress and on the Court. “Load up the courts and Congress with enough women, and then maybe blaming them for being women in the first place will stop sounding like a legitimate critique.” Who’s blaming anyone for being a woman? Even if the critics did, in fact, single out Feinstein because she is a woman, it would not follow that their critique of her amounts to blaming her for being a woman. Lithwick’s argument depends on there being a critique of Feinstein that could just as easily be made of male Democrats. But maybe I’m trying to hard to follow the logic of a column that isn’t really trying very hard to have any.

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