The Corner

Ct Execution Madness

Convicted serial murder Michael Ross was supposed to be put to death this week in Connecticut (he murdered and raped eight women from 1981-84). Indeed, until yesterday he publicly proclaimed that he wanted to be executed, but the lethal injection has been put off, now indefinitely, thanks largely to federal district judge Robert N. Chatigny, whose actions have been so extreme and intrusive and dictatorial that judicial activists now attacking him. Today’s New Haven Register (subscription required, but free) runs a column by infamous liberal attorney Norman Pattis, who drills Chatigny for engaging in raw judicial power. It’s a very interesting read, and heck, it’s not every day a lefty lawyer attacks a far-left jurist on an op-ed page.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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