The Corner

Cruz: Ignore Media, GOP ‘Can Win’ Defunding Obamacare Argument

Dallas — At a spirited town hall today, Senator Ted Cruz pushed for Obamacare to be defunded in the upcoming spending bill.

“Our friends in the media like to tell us this is not a fight we can win,” Cruz told attendees at the event which was sponsored by Heritage Action. “Let me tell you how we win this fight. The house of representatives will pass a continuing resolution that funds everything, everything in its entirety, except Obamacare.”

“What happens next is President Obama and Harry Reid are going to scream and yell ‘Those mean nasty Republicans are threatening to shut down the federal government,’” Cruz continued. “What has to happen after that is we’ve got to do something conservatives haven’t done in a long time. We’ve got to stand up and win the argument.”

He said conservatives should make the case that it will be Obama’s fault if the government shuts down, not the GOP’s.

“We’ve got to go out and say, look, we don’t want to shut the government down,” Cruz remarked. “We have voted to fund the government. We have already voted. Why is President Obama threatening to shut the government down to force Obamacare?”

“President Obama has already unilaterally and lawlessly granted waivers of the employer mandate in Obamacare to every giant corporation in America,” he added. “Why is it that President Obama is threatening to shut down the federal government to deny those very same waivers to hard-working American families? That is an argument we can win.”




Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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