The Corner


Crazy, Sure, But . . .

Charlie, it’s crazy . . . like a fox. I agree that this should be a joke. But should-be aside, in our current environment, it’s important to understand that what Phil is describing is not an unintended consequence of the indictments. It’s the strategy. It’s exactly as Democrats drew it up and have executed it: In Phase I, the indictments assure Trump’s nomination by whipping up his base (on Trump’s story line that it’s a complete political hit job with no criminal basis in fact), making it impossible for any potential GOP competitor to get traction, creating the illusion that Trump could win in November 2024. Then comes Phase II, the trials and the convictions — after the GOP nomination is effectively in the bag and the relevant audience shifts from the Trump-friendly GOP base to the general electorate, for whom Trump is already deeply unpopular, even before Democrats begin the real onslaught. Phase II assures that even Biden beats him. Sadly, the plan is not crazy. To the contrary, it cynically, ingeniously exploits the crazy state of Republican politics. And it’s working like a charm.

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