The Corner

Crazy Stuff

There’s a lot of crazy stuff circulating around the Internet about Scott Beauchamp. Some of it is from his own literarily overwrought blog, which reveals Beauchamp is an ambitious guy who was hooked on portentous and pretentious writing (his own and other writers’)  well before he arrived in Baghdad. But there’s other crazy stuff too. Someone has purportedly discovered that Beauchamp is engaged to a New Republic staffer because of an Internet wedding registry. I’m not linking to it because, after looking through it, I think it’s spurious — only six gifts are sought, no one’s bought any of them, and there are no other items registered in their names at any other wedding site. If someone is now manufacturing bogus wedding registries to prove something — even to expose a relationship that actually exists — then there’s a lot more lunacy attaching to Beauchamp’s tales besides the details of the tales themselves, true or untrue. 

John Podhoretz, a New York Post columnist for 25 years, is the editor of Commentary.
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