The Corner

The Corner Employment Agency

My yesterday posting from an e-mailer recommending coal-mining work drew interest from several readers saying they wouldn’t mind one of those jobs. That interest seems to me an economic indicator of some sort all by itself. Be that as it may, here’s what my original e-mailer has to say in response:


I have no idea about NRO’s posting policy and do not want to turn the site into an employment agency. But I noticed several readers asking about jobs in the industry.

If it’s OK, please advise them to check the websites of the following companies. What I described is not unique to a single mine but industry wide:

Consol Energy

Arch Coal

Alpha Natural Resources

Patriot Mining

Peabody Energy

These are just the major companies. A little bit of research will show many more companies and many more jobs.

If you don’t like Appalachia, tough it out for a few years, get experience and go work in Australia. The mining industry is booming even more there.

So there you go. I even looked up those links for you. This is a full-service website here at NRO.

And remember: Coal-mining is a wonderful thing.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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