The Corner


Contemplating Biden’s Ukraine Policies, or, ‘Why Isn’t Jake Sullivan Working at Chipotle?’

Separate from our ongoing webathon, I hope you’re a supporter of the National Review Institute, where I’m a fellow. For donors, we put on events, and yesterday I chatted with Steven Moore, founder of the Ukraine Freedom Project, talking about all kinds of topics related to the ongoing war in Ukraine. You can watch about eight minutes of our chat here, in which I ask Steven about being on Russia’s wanted list, how the Russians used an image of him sending toilet paper, President Biden’s notion of “lightning speed,” and the Ukrainian attitude of, “you send us the weapons, we are willing to risk our best people.” We close with a question from Steven: “Why isn’t [Biden’s national-security adviser] Jake Sullivan working at Chipotle?”

As one reader of the Morning Jolt observed, “Chipotle has standards and shareholders.”

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