The Corner

Conservatives Don’t Even Like McCain’s Bumper Stickers?

I have a lot of these types of e-mails today: 

Hey Klo, even though I have finals come Monday, I am procrastinating in the beautiful Duke library by reading the Corner. Re; McCain bumper stickers, I have one on my car, but from my own personal experience and that of a fellow law student, we’ve found that these bumper stickers are of a somewhat shoddy character. Within on month, the elements have taken a toll of my black McCain oval, and it has now completely disintegrated. My peer also lost his off the back of his truck. Perhaps the dearth of McCain bumper real estate isn’t so much a factor of support but of a poorly-made product? Unfortunately the “Obama” stickers are by FAR the majority in the Duke parking lots…

 and, from Nyack, N.Y.:

The reason your emailer hasn’t been seeing McCain bumper stickers is because (1) their design is depressing and uninspired, and (2) even when displayed they’re easy to miss.

The things are solid jet black, fer cryin’ out loud, with two words in white: “McCain/President.”  There is something understatedly elegant about the design, I will give them that, but nothing at all uplifting or memorable about them.  Nobody wants to put them on their cars, and even when someone does no one who sees it ever remembers it.

Somewhat ironically, these are also criticisms that were leveled at the black POW/MIA flag when it was released…some said that for a flag intended to assure POWs and MIAs that they “are not forgotten,” the overall tone of the flag was pretty hopeless and bleak.  If a bumper sticker were capable of being self-conscious, glum, and embarrassed to be on a bumper, I’m pretty sure it would look something like the McCain bumper stickers.

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