The Corner

Conservative Help Needed in Connecticut

No power, no heat, here in chilly Milford. Safe and well-fed, unlike many others, so we count our blessings, and wonder amazed that, with a little remnant juice in the old cellphone and laptop, joined by some wire, even an NR Suit can post to the Corner. Mirabile dictu!

While people contend with the mammoth aftermath of Sandy, there remains plenty happening on the political front. Election Day approaches, and even here, in the blue Nutmeg State, there’s a creeping belief that conservatives may make significant gains in the crazed Dem-run legislature. To forestall that, the lefties are going all-out to kneecap a conservative champion, so I abuse what privileges I have here to urge subscribers and NRO readers around Meriden to lend a few hours of campaign help to the great conservative state senator, my pal Len Suzio, the primo target of the politicized unions, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and When you’ve got enemies like that, you must be doing something right, and Len is (among other things, they’re still frothing over how Suzio stopped the state from giving $300,000 to the Connecticut Communist party to rehab its headquarters in New Haven). Spare him some help (good old-fashioned door-knocking needed): Visit or call 203-440-0135 to learn how you can make a difference.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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