The Corner

Confessions of a Binge Drinker

Last weekend’s post on ‘binge drinking’ has produced the following shocking confession from a reader in Virginia:

“I didn’t realize…until now that, according to the CDC, my wife and I just binged our way through the entire holiday season–from Thanksgiving to the Feast of the Epiphany. There were many days that she and

I barged our way through a pre-dinner cocktail, a bottle of wine, and an

after-dinner drink and there was one stupendously enjoyable day when we

nestled down by the fire, reading, playing games with the children, and

drinking wine.”

Worse, as the following passage reveals, this unrepentant binger has chosen to mock the helpful advice contained in his local newspaper:

“In an article I read yesterday in my local paper, [it was reported that one organization is now recommending] that people over 60

years of age have no more than one drink a day. This was accompanied by the

usual, tiresome questionnaire meant to determine if you “have a problem.” A

quick glance at the questions made me realize that I had no hope of being

classed as anything but a hopeless drunkard.”

The shame, the shame…

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