The Corner

The Committee to Unseat Rick Santorum

It could easily be made up of some of the Amazon readers reviews of his book! Some samples: “Thank you, Senator Santorum, by sharing your views with the world. It has just gotten that much easier to unseat you in 2006.” and

How long do we have to continue listening to Jesus Junkies like Santorum, Savage, Frist, Limbaugh, Bennett and the rest of the gang-that-can’t-shoot-straight? Who keeps paying for this literary pornography to be published?

These xenophobic closet racists wear their hate on their flag-draped lapels while the espouse the most anti-American nonsense I’ve ever read.

Getting lessons on piety from a gang of rich, quasi-homosexual cat-killing drug addicts is not my idea of a healthy way to pass an afternoon.

My advice for Santorum and the rest of the Religious Reich: Physician, heal thyself! Then jump off a bridge

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