The Corner

Commander-in-Chief Biden?


BORGER: But wouldn’t you use your leverage that you have on an issue like this, which you call outrageous, the president himself has said is abhorrent?

BIDEN: Yes, but that’s not — I am not prepared to send American troops to die for that.


BIDEN: I am prepared to send American troops to protect the United States of America to kill al Qaeda, to root out extremists and to prevent them being able to use Afghanistan once again as a platform to attack the United States of America. Do we find it abhorrent that that law exists or that it’s being considered? Absolutely, positively. But we also find abhorrent what’s going on in China in some places. We find abhorrent a lot of things. But the question is, if that were the only thing that existed, would we send my son and other sons there to risk their lives to die? I don’t think that is a legitimate use …

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