The Corner

Cognitive Dissonance & Sacrifice

Obama’s round-robin with Chuck Todd over the issue of sacrifice is actually pretty interesting.  Maybe I missed something, but it sure sounded like Obama is simply unwilling to really call for sacrifice from the American people. George Bush was denounced for not calling for sacrifice after 9/11, and one could argue he should have found a way to tap into the sentiment after 9/11 to get people on board with an energy policy that would defund the Wahhabists and others (nuclear, ANWR, etc). Regardless, Obama’s plan has a liberal version of sacrifice. He wants to tax energy.  But he won’t call that sacrifice. Nor will he call crushing debt for future generations sacrifice. He’s also constrained by the fact that he needs consumers to spend money — which is the chief reason Bush didn’t buy into the sacrifice stuff.  Regardless, it’s kind of jarring that the most “we’re all in it together” presidency in our lifetimes won’t ask for real sacrifice, when liberals have been blathering about the need to ask for it for years.

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