The Corner

Coffee Psychos

I’ve been deluged in coffee e-mail. I figured the issue was settled. I am right about Dunkin Donuts and all others are wrong (if they disagree with me). But then I got this, from a reader:

Once said Merlot is for people who don’t like red wine. Dunkin Donuts is for people who don’t like coffee. The best widely available coffee in the country is Peet’s. The second-best is Starbucks (on a good day – it’s not always up to snuff).

You might enjoy this video on making a good cup of coffee (was on Instapundit the other day).

Love your stuff.

Putting aside the outrageous slander, I watched the video. It is absurd! To make a really good cup of coffee requires weeks of prep? Really?

Maybe so, but I won’t be having one of these cups, unless I request it with my last meal.

Update: I’m told it’s satire. I stopped watching before it became obvious. Shweeoooo.

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