The Corner

Clinton’s Qualifications

Obama said last night, “I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman — not me, not Bill — more qualified to serve as President . . .”

A friend writes in:

Fact Check

1. Father of the Country

2. VP, Minister to the Court of St. James, Minister to the Netherlands, Continental Congress, author of the Declaration

3. VP, SOS, Minister to France, Governor of VA, author of the Declaration

4. SOS, U.S. House, author of the Constitution and Federalist Papers

5. Sec’y of War, SOS, Governor of Virginia, Minister to the UK, Minister to France, Senator

6. SOS, Senator, Minister to the Court of St. James, Minister to Russia, Minister to Prussia, Minister to the Netherlands

7. Military Governor of Florida, Senator, hero of the War of 1812

8. VP, Minister to the UK, SOS, Governor of NY, Senator, AG of NY

9. Minister to Colombia (known to Bolivar), Senator, U.S. House, Governor of Indiana, hero of Tippecanoe

10. [not elected]

11. Governor of Tennessee, Speaker of the House

12. Major General

13. [not elected]

14. Senator, U.S. House

15. Minister to the UK, SOS, Senator, Minister to Russia, US House (Judiciary Chairman)

16. U.S. House

17. [not elected]

18. Commanding General of the Civil War

19. Governor of Ohio, U.S. House

20. Senator Elect, U.S. House (chairman of appropriations, financial services, and military affairs)

21. [not elected]

22. Governor of New York, Mayor of Buffalo 

23. Senator, Colonel

24. U.S. President, Governor of New York, Mayor of Buffalo

25. Governor of Ohio, U.S. House (chairman of Ways and Means)

26. President, VP, Governor of NY, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Colonel of Volunteers, NY Assembly, NYC Police Commissioner

27. Secretary of War, Provisional Governor of Cuba, Military Governor of the Philippines, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, Solicitor General

28. Governor of New Jersey, President of Princeton, PhD

29. Senate, Lt. Gov. of Ohio

30. President, VP, Governor of Massachusetts, President of the Massachusetts Senate

31. Secretary of Commerce, Director of food relief to Belgium 

32. Governor of New York, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, NY Senate

33. President, VP, Senator, local judge


35. Senator, U.S. House, combat officer

36. President, VP, Majority Leader, U.S. House

37. VP, Senator, U.S. House

38. [not elected]

39. Governor of Georgia, Georgia Senate

40. Governor of California, union boss

41. VP, Director of Central Intelligence, RNC Chair, Ambassador to the UN, U.S. House

42. Governor of Arkansas, AG of Arkansas

43. Governor of Texas

44. Senator, Illinois Senator

45. SOS, Senator

At least 25 other elected presidents have been more qualified than Hillary. However, Hillary Clinton is more qualified to serve as president than Obama and Bill Clinton were.

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