The Corner

Class & Disaster

Indulge me, this is just a nice note from a fairly representative NRO reader, I’m proud to say:


That is one of the more eloquent as well as poignant things you have

written in the Corner. It was probably just tapped out without too much

thought, but nevertheless it really spoke to me and I think it really

reaches the heart of the this matter. Class division is pure poison, so

it’s best to avoid at all costs. It’s funny. I support my family of six

in rural Oklahoma on just over $40K a year. To the class strategists out

there, I would seem a natural to register Democrat. But if I were king

for a day, I would eliminate all business taxes, the tax on capital

gains, the estate tax, etc. I’m a huge fan of Microsoft AND Wal-Mart

(meaning I admire the level of their game — they are the best at what

they do, therefore subject to scurrilous attack). Liberals just don’t

get it. I want less government, not more. I don’t want the government

choosing winners/losers or deciding who should officially be recognized

for victim status. The way I live is by choice. My wife could make more

than me if she were to return to the work force as a speech pathologist.

But we have chosen the path of homeschooling our four children. I don’t

deserve pity or acclaim. It’s just our decision. I have tried to

inculcate into my children a sense of independence and hard work.

Through their hard work if they ever get ahead and are successful by

worldly standards, then I don’t want them to be seen as evil. Success is

not evil. It’s what you choose to do with it. I’m not trying to convince

you since I’m sure that we are on the same page. It just helps to put

this in writing I guess. The ironic part is that I married a Cherokee,

so my kids really are already official members of the victim community!

:o) It’s a fine line. I want them to be proud of their heritage and to

learn about it. But I don’t want them swallowing any of the Socialist

propaganda that comes out of the Nation. I mean Cherokee Nation. I just

realized how saying “Socialist propaganda that comes out of the Nation”

to a NR writer would mean “The Nation” magazine. They’re both Socialist

I guess!

Anyway, I’m not sure why I wrote other than I truly identified with what

you were trying to say. Especially the “What’s the metric for measuring

this sort of suffering? What about the small businessman who worked his

entire life to build something he’s proud of?”. I’m not a small

businessman, but with my family I have built something I’m very proud

of. I’m sure you are just as proud of Jessica and Lucy. And Cosmo. :o)


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