The Corner

Christmas Idea

An e-mail (and, yes, I am off to do penance for not responding to this fella’s e-mails:

Inspired by a poem I read at BLACKFIVE the military blog, I wrote a comment that I was going to leave an empty space at our Christmas dinner table as a reminder of the troops. It would be an inspiration for our prayers for their safety and a symbol of pride for their mission. I am going to do it. I wrote to Jim Vicevich at WTIC radio here in CT and asked if he could spread the idea if he thought it was good. Unlike you guys he responds once in a while to my e-mails. In any event, if one of you thinks that the idea has merit perhaps you could put it in your blog. Mine is too new to have an effect. You people are established.

I am not interested in credit for the idea so take it and do what you will. I just think that it is a simple thing that could bring some focus for those kids over there. They are of an age to be my kids, so it is easier for me than for you young people.

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