The Corner


Chris Christie Should Have a Chance to Debate

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie speaks at a town hall event at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics in Manchester, N.H., June 6, 2023. (Sophie Park/Reuters)

Last month, I wrote about former New Jersey governor Chris Christie’s dark-horse bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. While his scathing denunciations of Donald Trump might not endear him to the most ardent MAGA devotees, Christie’s campaign has a vital role to play in the 2024 primary race. This is not an endorsement of Christie’s candidacy nor a critique of the other candidates. Instead, it is an acknowledgment of the necessity of debate, confrontation, and self-examination in any healthy political party.

Christie’s combative debate style, honed through years of navigating the rough and tumble world of New Jersey politics, is precisely what the Republican Party needs right now. A refusal to engage in this internal debate leaves the party ill-prepared for the eventual confrontation with an emboldened Democratic Party whose agenda grows more extreme by the day. Facing this ever-present danger, Republicans must present a robust counter-argument that has been tested and refined through vigorous debate.

For this necessary introspection to happen, Christie must be a part of the GOP primary debates. We may not all agree with Christie, but we must acknowledge the vital role he can play in shaping the Republican nominee, the election, and the future of our country. He should have a chance to challenge, provoke, and sharpen the GOP’s vision for America’s future. This entreaty isn’t just about securing a spot for Christie; it’s about ensuring the wellness and vitality of the party’s discourse. It’s about making sure the Republican nominee, whoever he or she may be, is as prepared as possible to face down an emboldened, radical Democratic Party.

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