The Corner

Choices — A Voter’s, a Candidate’s

An e-mail:

I hope, pray and believe that you’re right, but they have to make those choices. I’m a Rudy supporter, I like many things about Fred (not least the fact that he has voted, talked and, recently, white papered, as the most “consistent” conservative in the race) and there is much to admire about John McCain. Have serious difficulties with Mitt but would absolutely vote for him with a hint of hesitation (would almost certainly stay home with Huck as the nominee, accept – cringe – the dems and hope to oppose their inevitable failures with conservative alternatives).

As you guys have commented at great length McCain is making it extraordinarily difficult for conservatives to support him. He is leaning left just when it urgent that he move definitively to the right. He is making the wrong choice it seems. Maybe Fred has a chance but the has got to rev it up, pronto.

UPDATE: Another e-mail:

I have read with interest much of the comment over the last 12 hours.  This recent comment about McCain by an emailer to you…

“As you guys have commented at great length McCain is making it extraordinarily difficult for conservatives to support him. He is leaning left just when it urgent that he move definitively to the right.”

My comment is, McCain is what he is.  He is 70+ with a history, how can any of us possibly be surprised by any non-conservative position he might take?  Comments like the one above only confuse people.  Even if he does move to the right for the campaign, does anyone really believe that is where he will remain?  Come on people, let’s not make this too complicated!


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