The Corner

Choices, Choices

Manny Miranda has been sending this around over the last week. Says something about supposed “elitism” of Miers critics who wonder why it had to be Miers:

[Michael McConnell: Mcihaigan State, U Chicago …

Janice Rogers Brown: Cal State, UCLA …

Michael Luttig, Washington and Lee, U. Va…

Alice Batchelder: Ohio Wesleyan, Akron…

Priscilla Owen, Baylor, Baylor …

Edith Clement, Alabama, Tulane …

Emilio Garza, Notre Dame, University of Texas…

Maura Corrigan, Marygrove, University of Detroit…

Karen Williams, Columbia College, University of South Carolina…

Larry Thompson, Michigan State, U. of Michigan …

Consuelo Callahan: Stanford, McGeorge School of Law…

Diane Sykes, Northwestern, Marquette …

Of all the buzz nominees, only two have an Ivy League connection:

Edith Jones, Cornell, University of Texas …

Sam Alito – Princeton, Yale …

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