The Corner


Characters and Character

Last night, I was reading Jonah’s Twitter feed, always a pleasant thing to do. He has a “pinned tweet” (a tweet pinned to the top of the feed). A lady has said to him that she used to enjoy him but “you’ve changed.” He answers, “No, I haven’t. The times have.”

I would like to paste an item I have in my column today:

Lately, a lot of us have been thinking about character. And I thought of a story from the golf world — bear with me, please.

In 1974, the U.S. Open was held at Winged Foot, the famous course in Westchester County, N.Y. The course was set up very, very hard. Nicklaus rolled one off the green. Someone asked Sandy Tatum — the illustrious official of the U.S. Golf Association — “Are you trying to humiliate the best golfers in the world?” “No,” Tatum answered. “Identify them.”

There is an adage, I think: that tough or challenging times don’t shape character; rather, they reveal it. People are as they have always been.

Anyway, something to think about …

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