The Corner

Politics & Policy

CBS vs. Vance on Harris and Abortion

Justin Taylor corrects the record.

Senator Vance is right about the main point: Harris favors the legality of abortion throughout pregnancy and has voted to withhold legal protection from children who are born alive during attempted abortions. Margaret Brennan, the Face the Nation host who was conducting the interview, said this was inaccurate.

Vance came back, but had a slip of the tongue: He said that Harris had “supported” the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act when he meant that she had opposed it. The CBS fact-check concentrates on this error without noticing that its correction supports his main point and undercuts the network’s contention that he was inaccurate.

The Democrats hate being accused of supporting legal abortion late in pregnancy and even after pregnancy, but it would be the easiest thing in the world for them to dispel the charge. They could just say, “Of course we favor prohibiting abortion after 22 weeks with these specified exceptions,” or, “Of course legal protections should be extended to all infants who are fully out of their mother’s womb.”

They never say that because they don’t believe it, they value the support of people who don’t believe it, or both.

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