The Corner

Causation & Correlation

This is the best email criticizing that study, in the interest of equal time:


The study is misinterpreted.  Some significant percentage of pot smokers are self-medicating a host of mental illnesses (the same as some significant percentage of heavy drinkers, heroin users, sky-diving adrenaline junkies, long distance runners, and so forth are.)

If recreational drug use were legal, it’d be easier to help people with mental illness, because doctors could screen people for recreational drugs as a flag for self-medicating without worrying that they are exposing their patients to potential criminal prosecution.

The headline on the pot report reminds me of the infamous “Antidepressants Cause Suicide in Some Teens.”  Oh, really?  Why were they on anti-depressants?  Oh, they trying to treat suicidal tendencies?  Hmmm.

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