The Corner

Catch a Wave

At the end of July, NR will be setting sail to Alaska. It’s a bit of a commitment, both time and money-wise, I realize, to go on a cruise, but it’s also a great getaway opportunity. And with some good conversations and people. Michael Steele will be there. Victor Davis Hanson will be there. Rich Lowry will he there. Kate O’Beirne will be there. Ed Gillespie will be there. Bob Bork will be there. Jonah will be there. Ramesh will be there. Impromptus Jay will be there. Dick Morris and Art Laffer will be there. I’ll be there.

Of course it’s not all talk, there are the usual cruise amenities — entertainment, spa, and, oh, yes, the natural wonders of Alaska.

Frankly, the one thing I’m worried about is that Jonah will be there and we’re supposed to dock in British Columbia at some point. He, as you might recall, wrote a “Bomb Canada” cover story for NRODT years ago.

Hmmm…want my place? (Just kidding.)

Details here. Do consider if you can.

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