The Corner

A Case for the Klan Act?

I have written a bit about the Gestapo tactics used by Democrats against Scott Walker and Wisconsin conservatives as part of the so-called John Doe investigation, but David French’s piece today is still shocking.

Every time a local grand jury investigating a police department comes to a decision that some politicians don’t like, there is a call for a federal civil-rights investigation. In Wisconsin, we have a clear and obvious case of out-of-control authorities conducting a campaign, possibly criminal, of police suppression targeting people for their political beliefs, a gross violation of their civil rights.

Where’s the investigation? 

Question for the lawyers here: Isn’t this a case for the Civil Rights Act of 1871, a.k.a. the Klan Act? That act forbids any state or local authority acting under color of law from depriving U.S. citizens of their civil rights under federal law. This seems like an obvious remedy to me. 

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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