The Corner

Carney: I Would Not Say ‘Mission Accomplished’

The White House claimed yesterday that HHS met its November goals for, but now they’re hedging talk of their accomplishments, even after lowering expectations in the weeks leading up to the November 30 deadline.

Jay Carney skirted answering whether or not the administration had met its goal of getting the website working for “a vast majority of people” and refused to say if the fixes finished by December 1 meant ”mission accomplished.”

“Using that phrase is not one I would employ,” he said.

“The end game here isn’t the best possible and most effective that we can build, but a system by which all those millions of Americans who are clearly interested in enrolling and purchasing health insurance are able to do so,” Carney told reporters.

When pressed about the website’s displaying error messages earlier in the day, Carney attempted to correct reporters, saying they were ”confusing error messages with the queuing messages,” referring to a function that puts users who reach the site when it’s overloaded in a queue to visit later. (Some users have indeed been getting error messages today.)

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