The Corner

Politics & Policy

Canada Conjoins Euthanasia and Organ Harvesting

It was so predictable I predicted it.

Following Belgium and the Netherlands, Canadian MDs have conjoined euthanasia and organ harvesting before it was specifically allowed in Canadian law. From the National Post story:

Doctors have already harvested organs from dozens of Canadians who underwent medically assisted death, a practice supporters say expands the pool of desperately needed organs, but ethicists worry could make it harder for euthanasia patients to voice a last-minute change of heart.

In Ontario, 26 people who died by lethal injection have donated tissue or organs since the federal law decriminalizing medical assistance in dying, or MAID, came into effect last June, according to information obtained by the Post. A total of 338 have died by medical assistance in the province.

Most of the 26 were tissue donors, which usually involves eyes, skin, heart valves, bones and tendons.

Allowing a person to consent to homicide–which is what we are talking about here–with the intention of organ donation, puts great pressure on despairing people who can come to think that their deaths are more valuable than their lives. 

Even worse, society can come to see such people as so many organ farms too. 

We are watching the most brutal and awful things transpire with barely a peep of protest.

Well, I will: Suicidal people need suicide prevention, not the implied encouragement of allowing their killing to be conjoined with organ procurement.

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