The Corner

California Bans the Word ‘Alien’ While Appointing Two ‘Unauthorized’ Ones to City Offices

San Francisco — If there is any doubt that liberals are intent on completely obliterating almost all distinctions between citizens and non-citizens, the news out here is convincing. 

This week, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the removal of any references to the word “alien” in California’s labor code. State senator Tony Mendoza, the bill’s sponsor, said that both the terms “illegal alien” and “alien” were derogatory. Jose Antonio Vargas, a journalist who has been celebrated for “coming out “ as an illegal alien, celebrated the move by writing in the Los Angeles Times that “the words seep into the psyche, sometimes to the point of paralysis, They’re dehumanizing . . . Language frames the political conversation. And more humane language can lead to more humane policies, and vice versa.”

I guess an example of more humane policies must be this month’s  decision by the City Council of Huntington Park, California to appoint two “unauthorized immigrants” to serve on two separate city commissions. 

Frank Medina will join the health and education commission and Julian Zatarain will be a parks and recreation commissioner. “We need to make sure that we bring everyone together to the table here in Huntington Park so that we can make sure we’re sharing the same vision,” said Councilman Jhonny Pineda, who sponsored their appointment.

The two men won’t be paid, thus enabling the city to skirt a state law barring illegal immigrants from holding paid government positions.

There are more examples of the blurring of lines between citizens and non-citizens in California. Medi-Cal, the state’s massively expensive health-care program for the poor, has just been expanded to cover “unauthorized immigrants.” The Public Policy Institute of California estimates that are 2.7 million such people in California, or about 7% of the population. 

California, the Golden State, is fast becoming the Pluck the Golden Goose State, as an increasing number of people receive benefits, which result in higher taxes. That, in turn, leads more and more people and businesses to “immigrate” to other states in hopes of finding economic opportunity. It would all be humorous if it weren’t really happening.  

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