The Corner

Bye Bye Uranium Pie

This just in from one of my musically inclined correspondents:

Long long time ago,

When you took hostages for show,

You believe Allah told you to,

Blame everythin’ on those “evil” Jews

You’re a fascist and a nut,

Must hang the queer, and stone the slut,

You’re insecure and narcissistic,

Trying to make nukes to go ballistic

The U.N. won’t do nothing,

But go around huffin and puffin,

China, Russia have your back,

That is until the U.S. attacks

We know your plan and intentions,

To disavow all Conventions,

Threatenin the world with suicide martyrs,

Wrong administration, this aint Carter’s

Bush’s numbers may be south,

So Mahmoud just runs his mouth,

But when the hour comes to pass,

The U.S. is gonna kick your ass

And you’ll be singing

Bye Bye Uranium Pie,

Thought the world would just turn a blind eye,

Ayatollahs send out their suicide guys,

Chanting “Allah Tells Me to Die”

Michael LedeenMichael Ledeen is an American historian, philosopher, foreign-policy analyst, and writer. He is a former consultant to the National Security Council, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense. ...
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