The Corner

Buying the Left, Too

Earlier this week, Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders expressed his disappointment with the Senate bill, particularly its lack of a government-run insurance plan, and went so far as to say, “As of this point I am not voting for the bill.” Now Sanders appears to be back in the fold. If you’re wondering how Reid secured his vote (I was), here’s how:

$10 Billion More for Community Health Centers will Revolutionize Care

WASHINGTON, December 19 – A $10 billion investment in community health centers, expected to go to $14 billion when Congress completes work on health care reform legislation, was included in a final series of changes to the Senate bill unveiled today.

The provision, which would provide primary care for 25 million more Americans, was requested by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

It’s enough for Sanders, but will it be enough for the 60-plus House progressives who promised not to vote for a health-care bill that lacked a public option?

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