The Corner

Bush’s Numbers

New Gallup poll figures are in. Bush’s job approval rating is 34 percent — two points down from mid-April. That’s no surprise. But there are a few interesting numbers in the poll. One is Bush’s personal approval rating — he is now at 39 percent approve, 60 percent disapprove, the first time his personal approval rating has ever fallen below 40 percent. Another interesting number if approval of Bush’s handling of the economy. It is now 34 percent — another low. (Perhaps if economic growth skyrockets to 15 or 20 percent per year, that number will fall even lower.) Finally, the poll shows that approval of Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq — 32 percent — is significantly higher than approval of Bush’s handling of the immigration issue — 26 percent. His number on immigration is the lowest of any issue, except for his approval rating on the energy issue, which is at 22 percent.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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