The Corner

Politics & Policy

A New Standard for Stupid 

I wrote about the white-power hand-signal flap today at Politico:

It’s not clear how the hand-signal theory was supposed to make sense at all. If Kavanaugh is a stealth white-power candidate for the Supreme Court, why would someone on his side go out of her way to advertise that fact on national TV? And if Kavanaugh is a brazen white-power candidate, why would a supporter rely on such a subtle gesture to signal his true colors?

The mind struggles to imagine the intended audience for such a gesture. A racist underground initiated in a series of secret symbols and handshakes that would suddenly be activated to lend its full support for Kavanaugh? Or did Bash supposedly make plain her racism just for the hell of it, to prove that she could get away with it?

Who knows, and who cares? What it actually signals is that for an element of the left, the Trump era has been an open invitation to lose their minds — one they have gladly accepted for fun and profit, since there are few things said about the president that can be too extreme or irrational to find an audience.

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