The Corner

Bourgeoisifying OWS

I love this. Jay-Z, an entrepreneur who is famous for something, is coming out with a line of Occupy Wall Street-themed T-shirts. But while the spirit of the T-shirts is universal, the profits are all going into his pocket!

Jay-Z is releasing a new line of T-shirts in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement Friday via his Rocawear clothing label, but he doesn’t plan to share any of the profits with the protesters.

The rapper was recently seen wearing one of the shirts, which tweaks the phrase “Occupy Wall Street” by crossing out the “W” and adding an “S” to make it read “Occupy All Streets.”
The protests, which started Sept. 17 in New York, have since spread to Los Angeles and other cities as demonstrators protest corporate greed and corruption.

Maybe in the Leninist tradition of capitalists selling the ropes they will be hung with, Jay-Z can come out with a line of two-by-fours and other makeshift weapons for the coming capitalism-vs-lifestyle Marxism Ragnarok. From the AP:

Portland police believe that some protesters inside the Occupy Portland encampments are building shields and makeshift weapons — including nails hammered into wood — in preparation for when authorities attempt to clear the parks this weekend, police said Friday.

Occupy Portland organizers have repeatedly said the movement is nonviolent and have appealed to demonstrators to resist peacefully when the camps close at midnight on Saturday. They planned public marches and a potluck dinner before the deadline and hoped the public would take part.

But police said as many as 150 anarchists may come to Portland to take part in a possible clash with officers.

“If there are anarchists, if there are weapons, if there is an intention to engage in violence and confrontation, that obviously raises our concerns,” Portland police Lt. Robert King said. “But I know we’ll be able work through that and manage that, because we want to protect everyone there, especially the peaceful protester.”

Mayor Sam Adams has ordered the camp shut down, citing unhealthy conditions and the encampment’s attraction of drug users and thieves.


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