The Corner

This Book Fits You to a Tee!

A free NR Tee shirt (heavy duty pre-shrunk 100% cotton) comes with your order of the classic Florence King “Misanthrope’s Corner” collection, STET, Damnit!  This is just the book you will want to bring to the beach with you – assuming you don’t mind scaring the sea gulls with your constant guffawing. This 500-plus page hardcover includes every single MC column the Queen of Spleen penned for NR’s back page from 1991 to 2002. If you thrill at the prospect of seeing dunderheads derided, sacred cows disemboweled, trends trashed, and the lame-brained lampooned, then STET, Damnit! is a must for you (it also makes a great gift for anyone who enjoys brilliant prose). Now about that great free shirt: when you place your order, just write the size (adult M, L, XL, XXL only) in the “Gift Memo/Inscription Information” field. Offer expires June 30 at midnight. Order here.

NR Staff comprises members of the National Review editorial and operational teams.
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