The Corner

Bolton Latest

The Dems have now fired what is probably their parting shot at Bolton: that he incorrectly filled out a Senate questionnaire when he said he hadn’t been interviewed in any invetigation over the last five years. Turns out he was interviewed in 2003 by the State department IG in an investigation of how the famous 16 words made it into the State of the Union address. The Dems probably had this information for weeks–and were probably given it by someone inside State–but were holding it to the last moment to try to scare Bush out of a recess appointment. Bolton filled out the form incorrectly because he had forgotten about the interview. Because he had nothing to do with the 16 words the interview was a very forgettable event. Bolton also hasn’t been before the Plame grand jury nor has he talked to any of Fitzgerald’s people, as fevered left-wing blogs have been speculating. This latest Plame line of attack on Bolton is as pathetic as the rest (remember the Russian hotel charge?). As soon as the Senate gets out of town–which can’t happen soon enough–Democrats lose their leverage entirely and Bush is free to make a recess apointment, as he probably should have done long ago.

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