The Corner

Boehner: ‘We’re Going to Put Obamacare Defunding Directly Into the CR’

Speaker John Boehner huddled with House Republicans this morning at the Capitol. According to several sources in the closed-door meeting, the speaker confirmed his plan to bring a continuing resolution to the floor that funds the government and defunds Obamacare.

“On the CR, we know what the position of this conference is,” Boehner said, speaking before his colleagues. “Every member in this room is for defunding Obamacare while letting the rest of the government continue to operate. We’re going to put Obamacare defunding directly into the CR. And then we’re going to send it over to the Senate, so our conservative allies over there can continue the fight. That’s where the fight is.”

“On every major issue we’ve faced for the past two and a half years, the math has been the same: House Republicans either find a way together to get to 218, or the Democrats who run the rest of Washington essentially get everything they want,” he added, pressing for House GOP unity.

Conservatives, for the most part, are pleased with the decision. Republican Study Committee chairman Steve Scalise (R., La.) tells me it’s a smart move by the speaker, and he believes the plan will pass the House.



Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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