The Corner

Boehner: If DHS Goes Unfunded, Blame Senate Dems

Responding to Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace’s sharp questions about Department of Homeland Security funding, a subject which has divided House Republicans from their Senate colleagues in recent weeks, House speaker John Boehner insists, “The House has acted. We’ve done our job. Senate Democrats are the ones putting us in this precarious position. It’s up to Senate Democrats to get their act together.”

“Listen, I’ve got a tough job here,” Boehner continued. “So does Senator McConnell. But Senate Democrats are the ones standing in the way. They’re the ones jeopardizing funding. Why don’t they get on the bill and offer an amendment, offer their ideas, and let’s see what the senate can do.”

And if DHS goes unfunded? “Well,” said Boehner, “then Senate Democrats should be to blame, very simply.”

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