The Corner

Politics & Policy

Bobby J., All American

It seems that some on the left have a problem with Bobby Jindal’s self-conception. (See, for example, a piece by our Mark Antonio Wright.) Jindal views himself as an American — you can leave your hyphens behind. Some of his critics view him as too assimilated, too American, not Indian enough, not “ethnic” enough. Too conservative, of course.

So, can we say that, for the Left, or part of the Left, the only good Indian is a red Indian?

P.S. There are about seven of us left in America who believe in the melting pot. Jindal seems to be one of them.

P.P.S. The name Mark Antonio Wright threw me for a bit. I’m used to “Mark Antonio” as one word, one name — as in Vito Marcantonio.

Remember him? A communist congressman. There have been a few of them since . . . (It’s amazing that Ron Dellums was chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. This country has survived a lot. The Constitution is sheer genius.)

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