The Corner


I elected not to wear my glasses in this spot with Tim Fernholz. As you can see, Tim elected to do the exact opposite.


We talked Florida primaries, Obama’s unpopularity, stimulus, midterms, and the Bush tax cuts. It was all very civil.

If I had to pick two things I said that I’d guess readers would find the most provocative, they’d be:

1) I think Charlie Crist is slightly more likely than not to win the Florida Senate race (though I think Rubio is going to take his campaign back up to warp speed now that the primaries are behind him, which could change the dynamics quite a bit).

2) Relatedly, I’d rather a Senator Crist caucus with the Republicans than the Democrats. Because in the U.S. Senate, numbers and party affiliation matter more than ideology. Yes, 40 Jim DeMints could stop a whole lot of bad policy from making it to the president’s desk, but if it’s about passing good policy, you’d be better off with 60 Olympia Snowes or Lindsey Grahams. I know it’s painful, but it’s true! This isn’t to say we as conservatives shouldn’t be looking for more Coburns, Kyls, DeMints than Snowes, Collinses, and Grahams. It’s just that we shouldn’t let the ideal be the enemy of the real.

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