The Corner

Blizzard of Wisdom on Kudlow

The snow’s not stopping the Great Lorenzo from his appointed Saturday rounds. Crank up the radio tomorrow at 10 a.m. Eastern (or listen via the web right here) to catch Larry and his compadres of knowledge – including Senator John Barrasso, Representative Todd Rokita, NR’s own Bob Costa, Betsy McCaughey, Lee Munson, Dan Greenhaus, David Malpass, Conrad DeQuadros, Jennifer Rubin, Steve Moore, and John McIntyre — as they plow through and discuss a tundra of topics: Obama’s State of the Union, the “unscary sequester,” sensible ways for defense-budget savings, the worldwide bull market, beating Obamacare, currency wars, and so much more. 

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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