The Corner

Blind Generation Leading Blind Generation

An interview with Gloria Steinem from that new teen feminist rag (bolding mine):

Melody: I keep on reading about how you believe in the inherent goodness of humanity, and I was just wondering how someone like Bush fits into that world view… if he does, at all.

Gloria: Well, yeah. He wasn’t born that way. As a baby, he probably had a whole person inside him! But that family is enough to turn anybody into a raving power maniac, and they certainly did it with him.

Melody: When I saw the picture, the famous picture of him, with a bunch of other white guys, gleefully signing away our rights as women… all I could think was, “ok, how is that not just pure evil?” [KJL: She’s talking about the signing of the partial-birth abortion ban.]

Gloria: Well, you know, there is certainly evil effect. There are certainly going to be millions of women and a lot of men who simply are not alive because he’s in the White House. There are going to be whole species of animals, and living things, and plants that are not alive anymore, and will never come back, because: he killed them. So, that’s an evil impact. I don’t think it’s inevitable. He wasn’t born that way.

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