The Corner

Blacks and The Nfl

Jay, you say that “what Rush said is rather obvious: that people root for

the black player, in whatever field, to succeed.” Blacks as a group make up,

what, 60 percent of the NFL? It’s hard for “them” NOT to succeed. And, as

– ahem — I pointed out in NRO three years ago today, there are so

many black QBs in the league, there is little need for the PC media

boosterism which Rush suggests exists.

In addition to McNabb, there is Vick, Quincy Carter, Daunte Culpepper, etc.

Black quarterbacks have reached a level of success that there even, regular

journeymen hacks. Jeff Blake, anyone? Rodney Peete?

Esteemed Publisher Capano (via Rich): No one sees Steve McNair because he’s

in Tennessee? He made it to the Super Bowl four years ago and because of the

NFL’s TV contract has a great chance of being seen by football fans on a

weekly basis.

Transcript question: When Michael Irvin said, “Rush is right,” was he

referring to the contention that McNabb was overrated — or that the media

was giving him a pass because he was black?

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