The Corner

Bitburg and Crawford

I will leave you, John, to decide for yourself what you find snotty and obnoxious, but something tells me that there were quite a few around here, and in the country as a whole, who were very, very unimpressed by the way that the president took to hosting Saudi despots in quite such an effusive manner. Of course, he will have to deal (and deal sometimes on “friendly” terms, with the bad guys, and, yes, I’m afraid that I do think that the Saudis are the bad guys), but there are limits. As I wrote back at the time of one of those visits, they would have been better to have been held somewhere more formal, in the White House, say. Inviting the emissaries of Saudi Arabia to Crawford sent them the wrong message, and it sent the American people the wrong message. In short, it was ill-advised, and it was a PR disaster. As for saying nice things about the president, I’ve done so before, and I look forward to having the opportunity to do so again.

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