The Corner

Bill Clinton: Casting a Protest Vote Against President Obama Is Like Anti-Civil Rights Hysteria–Q

On the campaign trail for fellow Arkansas Democrats, Bill Clinton worried that voters considering voting against Democratic candidates to register their disapproval of President Obama could be thinking like segregationist voters in the 1960s.

In his remarks at a stop at the University of Central Arkansas on Monday, Clinton tried to persuade attendees not to vote against Democratic candidates Senator Mark Pryor and gubernatorial candidate Mike Ross just to protest the president. The former president accused Republicans of drumming up frustration and anger against Democrats rather than touting their own candidates, comparing that tactic to politicians’ agitating against the civil-rights movement in his youth.

“Ever since I was a little boy, we had all that civil-rights trouble here, I’ve been sick and tired of people stirring people up, making them foam at the mouth, and vote for what they’re against instead of what they’re for,” he said. “How many times have we seen people do something they knew better than to do just because they were in a snit?”

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