The Corner

Big Brother and the Big Apple

I’m not big on endorsing political candidates. But sometimes you have to make exceptions. This is one of those times. My brother, Josh Goldberg, is the official Republican candidate for the City Council of New York City, 6th district (AKA the Upper West Side). To say that he’s the underdog is an understatement of epic proportions, on par with saying teasing hungry wolverines with your buffalo wings is inadvisable. But Josh, who has lived a very colorful life, is nothing if not fearless. We don’t see eye-to-eye on every issue, but he’s conservative in every way that matters and would be nothing if not an indispensible antidote to what ails New York City. He knows more about the real New York City than anyone I’ve ever met (until recently he was a New York City tour guide) and he’s got a ferociously sharp mind. He’s my brother and I love him and will not deny that I want him to win in no small part because of that. But I also know that he would be an outspoken, incorruptible and courageous voice for the sorts of reforms New York needs — and he would be unceasingly and downright entertaining as a City Councilman. If you can help out in anyway, I humbly ask that you do so. You can read more about his candidacy here.

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