The Corner

Biden’s Loyalty — to McCain?

Joe Biden made this very gracious statement yesterday:

“He is my good friend,” said Sen. Biden, D-Del., of Sen. McCain, R-Ariz., speaking Tuesday in West Palm Beach, Florida. “We go back 33 years. If John McCain picked up – I get in trouble for saying this with some real strong Obama supporters, but you gotta – it is what it is. If John McCain picked up the phone today and said, ‘Joe, I need you to get in a plane and fly out to Missoula, I can’t tell you why’, I’d get in a plane and I’d go.”

John McCain should make that call. “Joe, my friend, I need you in Missoula — on the double. I can’t tell you now, but it will all become clear November 5.”

In all seriousness, it was a nice thing to say and credit where credit is due. 

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