The Corner

Biden Literally 55 Points Behind Hillary in Iowa

It’s early yet, but Vice President Joe Biden’s chances in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary aren’t looking good.

A new CNN/ORC poll shows that Biden, who spent the weekend schmoozing at Democratic senator Tom Harkin’s steak-fry fundraiser in Iowa, is polling at only 10 percent in a field that includes Hillary Clinton and a constellation of lesser Democratic stars. That showing is strong enough for a second-place finish but it only puts Biden at the head of the potential also-rans; Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and Maryland governor Martin O’Malley all pulled in 7 percent or less while Hillary Clinton dominated with 65 percent support.

The Republican field for 2016 is much more wide open with no candidate pulling in as much as 20 percent in the poll. New Jersey governor Chris Christie leads the eight-person pack with 17 percent, but he’s followed closely by former GOP vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan at 16 percent. Kentucky senator Rand Paul and former governor of Florida Jeb Bush also hit double digits. Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum all pulled in 5 percent or more but failed to reach 10 percent.

Those results track with polls over the last few months showing Clinton as an overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination. 

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