The Corner

Woke Culture

Biden Labor Department Suggests Ways to Help ‘Menstruators’ at Work

Yesterday was apparently “Menstrual Hygiene Day,” and, as such, the U.S. Department of Labor suggested: “5 easy actions employers can take to help menstruators thrive at work.”

The Labor Department noted, “Menstruation affects half of the U.S. workforce but talking about it at work can be taboo.”

How are we supposed to overcome a taboo if the affected population themselves are taboo?

Reducing women to “menstruators” is like reducing men to ejaculators. (Kind of offensive, isn’t it?) Of course, there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging healthy bodily functions, but reducing an entire population to that alone is demeaning.

Only a tiny percentage of women prefer to be called something other than “woman.” They are entitled to their preference, but they are not entitled to the erasure of women in language and law.

This is yet another reminder that the Biden administration has been captured by transgender ideologues.

Madeleine Kearns is a former staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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