The Corner


Biden Bouncing Back in South Carolina

The latest Monmouth poll of South Carolina shows Joe Biden leading by 20 points: 

Grain of salt: Monmouth polls overstated support for Biden in Iowa. Their last Iowa survey had Biden in first place at 23 percent; he finished in fourth place at 15 percent.

Still, the RealClearPolitics average of South Carolina polls shows Biden ahead by double digits: Five days ago, Biden led Sanders in South Carolina by 2.3 points in the RCP average; now he leads Sanders by 14.3 points.

The polls showing Biden bouncing back in South Carolina were conducted after his second-place finish in Nevada on Saturday but almost entirely before Tuesday’s debate and Wednesday’s endorsement of Biden by Jim Clyburn, the influential 14-term South Carolina congressman and House Majority Whip.

Nate Silver writes today that Biden’s winning South Carolina by 10 points would likely turn the Democratic primary into a seriously contested two-man race between Biden and Sanders.

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