The Corner

Biden to Bibi: ‘I Don’t Agree with a Damn Thing You Say’

Vice President Joe Biden put his foot in his mouth for the umpteenth time on Monday, “joking” in front of a Jewish audience that he doesn’t agree with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on “a damn thing.”

Speaking at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federation of North America, the vice president sought out Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer in the audience. “Now Ron, you better damn well report to Bibi that we are still buddies, right?” he said, using Netanyahu’s nickname.

“No one ever doubts I mean what I say,” Biden went on, as the crowd laughed. “Sometimes I say all that I mean, though. And I signed a picture a long time [ago] for Bibi — he’s been a friend for over 30 years — that said, ‘Bibi, I don’t agree with a damn thing that you say, but I love ya.’” Nervous laughter followed.

Never exactly warm, relations between the Obama and Netanyahu administrations turned icy late last month after one anonymous White House official reportedly described the Israeli prime minister as a “chickens***.”

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